Hate Speech Promotes Ignorance and Violence.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hate Speech is a communication that carries no meaning other than the expression of hatred for some group, especially in circumstances in which the communication is likely to provoke violence. It is an incitement to hatred primarily against a group of persons defined in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the like.

Just to name a few...
These are the purveyors of hate on America's airwaves.  No one should underestimate the threat these demagogues pose.

Rush Limbaugh, Radio Talk Show Host.
Who is this demented fool some folks seem to love?  He's an arrogant madman who regularly attacks women, ethnic groups, lesbians and gays, immigrants, the disabled, the elderly, Muslims, Jews, veterans and so forth.  Oh, and apparently he is head of the Republican Party!  Every time a republican has slipped and said something even slightly negative about him they end up on television apologizing to him and begging for forgiveness.  If you've never heard Limbaugh's dangerous antics I strongly suggest you educate yourself, this man is a raving lunatic.  I'm definitely not suggesting you listen to Limbaugh's radio program.  I just think you need to be aware of the racist rhetoric spewing from this foul-mouthed sleazebag.  Perhaps his hysteria stems from his addiction to prescription drugs.

Bill O'Reilly, Fox Cable News Anchor.
Another ringmaster with a large following.  He shares the same characteristics as the clown above and believes he's king of cable news.  He doesn't allow his guest to get a word in edge-wide and thinks he knows everything about everything. I think Rev. Al Sharpton is the only guest I've seen who wasn't intimidated by him and able to keep him under control.  This man, Bill O'Reilly, is a notorious lie spewing propagandist.  He does a segment on his show called 'Today's Talking Points Memo'.  Here's today's talking points memo...turns out he was hit with a Sexual Harassment lawsuit by a female Fox News producer a few years ago.  The actual suit is posted on The Smoking Gun.

Sean Hannity, Fox Cable News Host.
Another psycho, also from Fox News.  I've come to the conclusion Fox Cable News must require their anchors and hosts to pass a multiple part stupidity racism test before their hired.  Sean and Bill O'Reilly must have scored off the charts!  I don't watch Fox News, but have seen it enough to know the trash and lies that falls out of Sean's mouth is simply unbelievable. He's a blatant racist and makes no effort to hide it.  This delusional moron has stated he'd like to run for president one day!  I think they're all tapping into Rush Limbaugh's little 'goodie bag', if you know what I mean.

Sarah Palin, Alaska's Governor.
Oops, I meant Ex-Governor...I forgot, she quit.  Apparently Sarah could dish it out but couldn't take it.  We all know who Sarah Palin is, right?  She's another mudslinger and ran for Vice President as John McCaine's running mate in the 2008 presidential election.  Let's review her presidential qualifications; she has foreign policy credentials because Russia is next to her home state (Alaska), couldn't name one newspaper she reads, didn't know Africa was a continent and staged an interview with a turkey being slaughtered in a meat grinder in the background.  Now, when you catch your breath here's another one, watch her interview with Katie Couric on Foreign Policy which was pathetic!  Sarah also had the audacity to question the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate.  Since she wants to talk about birth certificates perhaps we need to see her new baby's birth certificate.  One could ask if she's the mother or her daughter Bristol? 

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The bottom line...
Obviously a lot of people feel threatened by President Obama's race and intelligence.  No matter what he tries to accomplish, does accomplish and how it's accomplished will always be an issue for some.  We need to be vigilant and acutely aware of the dangerous rhetoric that's flooding our airwaves. Those mentioned in this article are just a few of those promoting dangerous unrest amongst some unstable people that has the potential of inciting race warfare and violence against President Obama. There's also the matter of disrespect which I vent about in 'The Disrespect of President Barack Obama is Unprecedented.'

We have to continue to pray for sanity and that things are not allowed to escalate any further out of control than they already have.

~  JJBlogster  ~